About the "Death's Whisper" world
The world of Death's Whisper is a dark and volatile shadow of our world to come. Set only a few years ahead of us, and taking place for the most part within a large city and urban sprawl. This corroding America is inhabited by countless criminals, from the massive corporations that control so much of the countries economy to the lowly footpad, trying to make enough for a warm meal, or their next fix. Cities and states have police forces that are on the level of paramilitary organizations, and many of the military contracts have been shifted over to the judicial and domestic law enforcement organizations. State and Federal police must keep up with security forces of the World/International Corporations and the powerful criminal organizations or families that have increased in size and influence that have been filling the gaps between, corporate, government, and independent interests. Vast numbers of x-military men and women fill the ranks of all of these organizations in the form of mercenaries. Some loyal to a particular ideology, while others bounce from one to another in the form of Murder Squads, interested only in larger and larger sums of cash and recognition of exploits. Amid all of this lurk beings that have been with man from his beginnings, and in some cases, long before. Waiting, watching, even influencing from time to time, biding their time for their own agendas.